Brass clip series ( DAISY / STANDARD / MULTIPLE GRIP)

Brass clip series ( DAISY / STANDARD / MULTIPLE GRIP)

Brass clip series

Client: Min A Bae & Jerry Lee
Design Company: THE EMPATHIST
Direction & Design: Mina A Bae & Jerry Lee
Paper & Print: Sung Hwan Park (PRESS WORKS)
Technical Adviser: Kwon Sik Park (SEGI Metals Manufacturing)
Product Manufacture: Gwi Yeol Lee (DONG WON Spring Manufacturing )
Country: South Korea


Coexistence between the past and the present;
Clips are still used from the past to the present.
The clip was based on what existed in the past
and the packaging designed in our own present sensibility, with clear origins.


Website development, training, and consulting services for nonprofit organizations and creative entrepreneurs.