Design Company: GRANHAND.
Country: Korea


GRANHAND signature perfume shares similar design roots with other multiperfumes, but it shows a completely new image. We maintained GRANHAND`s original roughness and rusty feel of wearing out or changing over time, and whereas the other multiperfumes use light materials such as jute or cotton, we wanted to emphasize its strong individual aroma and identity of the GRANHAND signature perfume by giving it a feeling of weight.

Regular perfumes have a decorated cap and information about the perfume is printed on the bottle itself. We reversed that stereotype and made a blank bottle with all product information contained on the cap. The cap is made of whole aluminum and is made as thick as possible without compromising the proportions. Above all, the part we paid the most attention to is a scratch on the cap. We considered corroding the cap to emphasize rustiness, but since it would have been not environmentally friendly, we made all the scratches by hand one by one. Every GRANHAND multiperfume product looks different, as well as there are no same products in its signature line. All products are unique signature perfumes.

 We created a special outer package containing the signature perfume for its limited edition. We made a unique photobook with GRANHAND's images and text. The perfume package looks like a bookcase, as if a book put in a cover. All materials are made of rough paper which can be easily stained.